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Activities and Campaigns

Library closures

Whilst the growth in digital technology is welcome, the value of local libraries cannot be understated, including the value of physically accessing books. There are

Letter on universities and student debt

Students have been completely failed by the Government during this pandemic. I’ve signed this letter from Claudia Webbe challenging the marketisation of higher education and

Business Questions: BAME Covid Vaccines

The Government need to allocate more time to evaluate the rollout of the vaccine roll out, including the disproportionate impact of Covid on ethnic minority

Criminalisation of dissent in India

The Indian Government continue incarceration against peaceful protesters including farmers. They are also shutting down reporting. These violations of democratic principles should be subject to

Cladding Scandal Speech

The Government needs to stop passing the buck and front up to the mistakes which have led to the cladding scandal. Nobody should have to

Stop the War: Yemen

The war against Yemen has left more than 250,000 dead. The Biden administration have at least committed to ending US involvement in the war. Our

Early Day Motion on student rent strikes

Challenges to student mental health should not be exacerbated by the demands of rent. I’m co-sponsoring this Early Day Motion on university student demands from Zarah


Truths on war crimes should not remain classified, nor those who bring us it be punished. Prosecute war criminals not truth tellers. On #FreeJulianAssange at Stop

Letter on vaccine immunisation

Along with 29 Parliamentarians, I have written to the Secretary of State for Health Matt Hancock to:➡️ Ensure Joint Committee on Vaccine Immunisation review and

National free school meals

Outsourcing is threatening the wellbeing of children in need of free school meals.Today I asked Education Secretary, Gavin Williamson whether he would consider replacing a