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Activities and Campaigns

16 Days of Action Against Gender Based Violence

Yesterday began #16Days of Action Against Gender Based Violence. Work being done by Women’s Aid, Centre for Women’s Justice, Justice for Women and Karma Nirvana is vitally important in raising the

Increase statutory sick pay

Ahead of the #SpendingReview today, I have called on Rishi Sunak to increase statutory sick pay. Everyone should be able to afford to self-isolate.

Local Services Funding

I was elected on a manifesto that pledged not just to protect public services, but to extend them. As demand increases, funds have not. Funding

Parking charges for NHS staff

NHS staff at Royal London Hospital and everywhere should not have to pay for parking during this pandemic. That is why I’ve signed this letter

BAME Curriculums

We must challenge the rhetoric of Tory pressure groups who label progressive curriculum changes as ‘the woke agenda’. Our school curriculum should reflect the lived experience

Vaccination Priority for BAME Communities

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation have published interim advice on which at-risk groups should be prioritised for a vaccine. With evidence after evidence confirming

Overseas Operations Bill

We must have a transparent justice system, in order to protect all of those affected by war. We must make sure that the mistakes of Iraq

Low traffic neighbourhoods

This week, Ministers were called to account for the the impact of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods in London. Whilst I welcome moves towards a greener society,

Urgent Question: Leisure Centre Funding

St. George’s and Tiller Leisure Centres have not re-opened since the first lockdown. I’m calling on the Government to provide a plan, with proper funding,

Reinstate Jeremy Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn must be reinstated. Our statement following yesterday’s meeting of the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs. The future of socialist movements depends on

Rohingya Refugee Crisis

It is now Islamophobia Awareness Month & I’m calling on the Government to do more on the Rohingya Refugee Crisis. Thousands of Rohingya Refugees remain

EWS1 Certificates

Residents across my constituency have seen their properties valued at £0 as they do not have an EWS1 certificate. The huge increase in unemployment as

Development at Bow Common Lane Gasworks

I recently joined 12,000 local residents in registering my objections to the proposed developed at Bow Common Lane Gasworks. The scale of the proposals will