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Tony Benn – Lessons for the Present Crises

With Richard Burgon MP // Jeremy Corbyn MP // Apsana Begum MP // John McDonnell MP // Lindsey German (Stop the War Coalition) // Rachel Garnham (CLPD).

A discussion forum on how the ideas of Tony Benn continue to inform how socialists should respond to the current crises.

Perhaps more than any other figure in the past 50 years, Tony Benn has shaped the ideas of what socialism in Britain is – linking the economic struggles with important social struggles for equality and for global peace and justice.

This discussion forum will look at how his ideas continue to offer real insight into building the alternatives we need to the numerous crises caused by our failing capitalist system – from the climate catastrophe, to stagnating living standards and growing inequality. Organised by Richard Burgon MP and Arise Festival.